Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 14 Ch. 174 - Inuyama-kun Wants to Graduate

Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2020
Man there’s an epidemic of romcom writers making their secondary romances more interesting than their main romance. This is great.
May 3, 2024
Oh, Okay. He wants to draw the human form in all it's glory and not some stupid bullshit fruit bowl.

I'm sorry teacher, but I can't draw some random box and a ladle provocatively. Such things don't turn me on.
I think it's more about how he can only draw properly when he sees the world in a lewd way. And now when he's trying not to it's making it hard for him to draw.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2020
Well that's the point, that he IS actually "phoning it in".
Heck he said so himself, the whole reason he started making art was because he wanted to draw lewd stuff, that was the source of his creativity, and now that he is with her he is doing his best to "kill" that part of him because he is afraid that she'll dump him because of it.

He is stifling the source of his creativity and that reflects on his work, and the teacher apparently can tell.

All in all this seems to be the ark where Toyoda will have to realize that Inuyama is actively trying to change for her sake, just so she won't hate him and dump him. And if the manga keeps going with the feel good happy vibes it has been going so far, then probably she'll accept him for who he is.
Your analysis is spot on... but art schools have classes on how to critique art. This language is definitely crossing the line. There are ways to advise someone without putting them in the ground.

If yall cant tell, I'm definitely projecting and taking this personally :smugnako:
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2020
Like his problem isn't really that he's horny & not getting any, it's that his default is to be pervy & he thinks Toyoda isn't ok w/ that. So like even if they start messing around, he's still gonna try to tamp down his pervy about all the things side if he thinks that's what Toyoda wants.

Which flip side, like he can get his groove back w/o em screwing around if he's reassured that no really she's cool with it - which I think she is given her expression when saying "you're gross" was happy smiley. Basically the parallel to when guys are calling Anjou a slut for how she behaves/dresses, Seto always defends her in a non-judgemental "I think she's awesome and she owns this look" kinda way.
Soo if they fuck and start the heart to heart talk, then this problem can be solved.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
I mean, I like boobs, too, but being that into it that you can't control it is like one step away from turning into a sex predator.

And I still say that's not a teacher. It's bitch pretending to be one.
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
Guy suddenly yelling about loving boobs to his freshly-made girlfriend and talking about how putting coins into slot is erotic is pretty weird and can be off-putting, though that's also how he is and how he got his girlfriend, and his girlfriend told him openly before accepting his confession that she's not really much into erotic stuff.
Every second teen doing shit like this. Besides she was perfectly aware of his personality and agreed to became his girlfriend, so she should show at least some consideration in that regard. At least don't call him gross when he is at his lowest. Look at Inuyama, he is at least trying to live up to her, to be more "proper boy", though fails sometimes.

Problem with manga is that usually boys (and often girls as well) are either prudes terrified of sex, rarely lechers that are still terrified of sex, or asshole and often rape-y hot guys or gyaru-oh treating girls like free prostitutes. Few manga has couples that treat sexual intimacy normally, and by sexual intimacy I don't mean hand-holding, just, like, steamy making out.
That's absolutely correct. Especially with shounen titles like this one.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 5, 2020
At least don't call him gross when he is at his lowest.
He's into that though (middle panel, ending sentence), he just needs to understand that she doesn't actually consider him trash when she's like that, and that it's fine if he finds that hot . He fell into trap of convincing himself he needs to change completely for her, even though she'd never agree date him if she thought he needs to change that much for her.

Toyoda has trouble with expressing herself clearly and openly, and he's gotta realize that and adjust to her unclear signals, if he wants to keep dating her. That's his real hurdle in this relationship, not stopping being pervert like he mistakenly convinced himself he needs to.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 8, 2019
Seeing Inuyama sad made me sad
Stand up! Be proud of your dirty mind!
Thanks for the chapter
Dex-chan lover
Nov 19, 2018
He's into that though (middle panel, ending sentence), he just needs to understand that she doesn't actually consider him trash when she's like that, and that it's fine if he finds that hot .

Toyoda has trouble with expressing herself clearly and openly, and he's gotta realize that and adjust to her unclear signals, if he wants to keep dating her. That's his real hurdle in this relationship, not stopping being pervert like he mistakenly convinced himself he needs to.
Yeah, we saw how he is "into that" in this chapter. Didn't look very excited to me. Jokes aside, he's at least trying to do something and what about her? You say how he should learn, how he should adjust etc. But relationships is both parties efforts. If she has troubles with expressing herself, why is it only Innyama who must learn how to understand her? Maybe Toyoda should learn how to express her thoughts better? Or should learn to not call him gross at the wrong time?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Author introduced the female instructor to stir up some drama that I get, but it's poorly executed. Like the f* is up with that ambiguous comment? Basic art classes (imagine university entrance exam prep classes) are really technical. Technical. They only teach techniques, mostly 3 things: lines, shapes, and lighting. A good teacher will force you to draw an apple hundreds of times just to get a good rendering, but will never talk about vague craps like "feeling". Good teacher will fix your drawing and tell you how to improve, not act high and mighty to their students. Like wtf does feeling have to do with fruits and vases? Lady please stfu you makes other art teachers look bad

t. I went to art class before and now a part-time illustrator
I guess they are on the "advanced" level of art. I recall the part of class I had in High School also had that technical lesson separately - it was called Drafting. The art lesson went straight into making us scribble, and I drew my masterpiece (.)(._)


Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
The worst part of all this is that these kinds of idiotic teachers justify themselves by saying: "if you can't stand a little criticism, then this isn't for you." goddammit, they're students, not professional artists.
Aggregator gang
Apr 30, 2024
I know people that have gone to university for art, and yes, this is how they can be sometimes. Depends on instructor. Basically, art professors see how they would draw something as the baseline medium for whether or not something is good. If you draw something a way they don't like, that's what can nuke your grades. You could be a Picasso, but if they like Rembrandt, prepare to get shit on.

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