... You'd think someone as scheming like her would understand her brother better than that.
Page 6 specifically, where she says "he started living alone so he could entertain otherworlders".
Meanwhile he was just trying to get out from his overbearing father, and I'm willing bet his sister.
He had no choice in becoming an ambassador, then again I doubt the father would have told her
that he forced his own son into such a position, also that we now know he lied about there
only being 3 people who could communicate with them, as his sister obviously can as a 4th.
... Aaaaaaaaaaaand I fear for this series if she's actually going to live with him, that's not the
kind of cockblock you can write around unless you write the character out of the story...
I wouldn't be surprised if she's carted off next chapter by the military and her father,
considering he's been willing to endanger his own son for good of both worlds he
should be more than willing to crack down on his daughter for endangering both worlds...