Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 7 Ch. 52 - The Girlfriend and her Dream 3

Aggregator gang
Mar 31, 2018
What's with the abuse of the "always screaming to love interest" trope?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I'm starting to believe the real problem with this series was introducing all those others girls. For some reason, when it's just the main "couple" I have way less reasons to get annoyed at the writing or hating MC's guts for being a fucking asshole.

I actually think this last two chapters were okay. The only thing I can complain about is Kazuya acting like a sperg who overreacts at everything and loves to shout like an idiot, but even that's mildly annoying compared with the shit he pulls in previous chapters.

Maybe this should have been a story solely focused on Kazuya and Mizuhara as they deal with their own issues instead of introducing a bunch of girls who (now that I think about it) don't seem to serve any purpose other than forcing some pointless drama and love triangle bullshit and being some sort of pseudo-harem.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
@vTool I might be wrong, but expressing themselves loudly doesnt seem to be a forte of Japanese culture, therefore when an MC is a loud obnoxious outgoing sperg, its seen as a brave outpouting of emotion.

Yeah the story would have been a lot better if it was just the 2 of them dealing with their issues, but its in a shonen mag so some things are expected or demanded by the Editor.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 20, 2018
I will admit, when the MC hides things from others the story gets annoying. However, when people defend Ruka and call the mc trash for treating her that way, it makes no sense to me. I mean, this chick basically blackmailed him into this "relationship" of theirs.
Feb 20, 2018
Editor: "How many chapters are you planning for this series?"
Author: "100 chapters maybe?"
Editor: "Okay, then let's make the MC a coward for 99 chapters."
Jan 26, 2018
@Acolytus Well-said. My biggest beef is with how fast the author derailed Mizuhara from tsuntsun to deredere, but it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue if the author hadn't badly overdone "See, the MC is even more of a loser than you and he finds True Love". People really do fall head over heels, and people really do gradually come to love someone despite their flaws, but trying to mix them is disturbing.

Manga thrives on audience wish fulfillment, but when you overdo it this badly the audience will just hate MC.
Apr 16, 2018
I have to say, I'm really surprised at how nice this chapter was. I never liked it when the author started introducing other girls, so this felt pretty good
Jan 18, 2018
at least, she realize what made me dislike her... maybe it will fix my disliking for her...
Active member
Feb 16, 2018

Ruka isn't good, but she the lesser of all the evils here (well except the new shy girl I guess). The blackmail is just going on some dates, big deal. All he has to do is take a girl out and show her a good time and then in return he gets "compensated". So she just bought the MC as a rental BF with something else other than money. Mizuhara takes freaking cash money from him and is apparently milking him dry for her own personal gain. Now this part doesn't even make sense since the MC only works as some clerk and somehow funds Mizuhara expensive? aspirations, what she can't get some crap part time job like him? How does she make more than the MC? That is unless one believes the MC is ripping off his family and/or selling his body to pay for Mizuhara behind the scenes, or they want to go down the "she has a lot of clients" *cough* NTR*cough* route.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
His money comes from the funds his father gave him to pay his life expenses for college, so he's simply wasting in months what should have lasted for years.
And of course she has a lot of clients, she's like the most popular rental girlfriend of her agency. Obviously the other dates are kept under wraps from us, but it doesn't mean they don't take place.
Finally, it isn't like she can't find a better job: she chose it to improve her acting skills. Yeah, it sounds a bit forced, but I find it slightly better than the usual "I need money to pay the medical expenses for my badly ill [insert relative here].
Jun 13, 2018
Wow the hate is gradually decreasing except for a few lingering sad souls here... The fact that this manga was good at first (shit in the middle) and maybe better from now on is obvious .. lol

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