@Arcedia Thanks for reading, and for the appreciation!
@dotawolfbrother Indeed, manga really could use more cats. It's actually surprising that there aren't more, considering the level of fascination for them found on the internet worldwide, plus the fact that Japanese folks have historically been rather fond of them. I wonder if it's just the difficulty of drawing animals or something.
@MavB_Ver I'm pretty sure she mostly wants to see Fukami-kun smile more, because she
thinks knows it's cute (edit: maybe that's just my fluff-oriented brain coloring my POV though). (Edit: to be clear, this is speculation and I don't know FredFriendly aside from the posts he's made on this series) As for FredFriendly, I get the feeling that something along these lines may have happened to him in real life. He seems way too sensitive about the topic for the roots of his anger to lie in fiction. And with this much vitriol, I doubt he's the type to read NTR manga. I just hope someone or something can heal his wounds someday.