A fairly bland "romcom" with an extremely unsatisfying ending. Starring the most frustratingly annoying side characters of all times.
Things got progressively more boring in volume 3, ending with.. absolutely no climax whatsoever. I hope this series was axed for the author's sake, because I cannot imagine how anyone could produce such a lacking ending in normal circumstances.
The translation is a textbook definition of half-assed fanmade content. Idk if you're aware guys, but punctuation is a thing in english. Also, among many other words, "Okaa-san" is a japanese word that stands for "Mum" in english. I don't know man, is this supposed to be a translation, or a moonrunes-to-romaji retranscription? And this is why proofreaders/QC are especially important in the scanlation scene.
Anyways, thank you for the cleaning, the redrawing and the typesetting. The rest (story included) was a complete waste of time.