What is the point of chapter numbering? Web ace needs to get their act together. The split chapters are so disjointed, it's unreadable and they should present it as the author clearly intended in its original serialization even if that doesn't mean weekly releases.
I don't think any fan translation group has any claims since we're all just squatters essentially, but someone who looks after the property is going to appreciated more than the new guys using it as a crack den. However, translation snipers usually earn their bad reputation. Clunky machine translations, illegible typesetting, no qc, egregious e-begging, and no commitment to the series if popularity dies down such as after the anime finishes airing.
Of course there's no reason to assume the original group was the best you could get. They are after all only fans. So I know it can be frustrating but give new groups a chance. There are plenty of amateur translators that start out rough but after a dozen releases, develop proficiency that leaves nothing to be desired.