Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Ch. 359 - A Place You Want to Be

Group Leader
May 6, 2019
Mephisto is underestimating Iruma for sure, he thinks he is going to run into a wall because it is nothing like something he would expect from the task he gave Iruma or for the task Iruma really had to accomplish, but I think Iruma and Clara (surprisingly) have the right idea to build up a country and give the children of the many-ears an attatchment to the place, giving education and actually getting to know them and their ambitions. Iruma will probably choose the example study (which I think we all know will be Nova) as the King of the many-ears, now with a connected community that has more diverse skills than those limited to their hearing, and show Mephisto how he is wrong about kingmaking.
I wonder if the wall is that who's going to continue running the school in the long term? Though same can be said about him supposedly becoming the king
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!

Typos & edit suggestions: @WingZeroHeeroYuy
  • p4 Ba-b aaam -> Ba- baaam
  • p5 Iruma -sensei, can I have a second -> Iruma- sensei, can I have a second? // Iruma- sensei, can I have a second.
  • p8 teac-her -> teach-er
  • p11 attending at Babyls -> attending Babyls
  • p12 if we made a Babyls for the many-ears maybe -> if we made a Babyls for the many-ears, maybe
  • p14 perspective -> perspec-tive
  • p16 toget-heeerrr -> togeth-eeerrr
  • p16 ridiculo-us -> ridicu-lous
  • p18 incredible. .. -> incredible...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2023
It's funny how happy Iruma is being a teacher, while a certain other shonen MC looks so miserable the entire manga community has been memeing him all week
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2023
We can say in quotation marks that the splinter of a tree will not jump far from the trunk of that tree. I am referring to the fact that Iruma notes in a notebook how he thinks every bunny student would be like Kalego notes in an agenda his personal opinion about each individual teacher. Or when Kalego visited the homes of each member of the abnormal class and wrote down in some notebooks, one for each member of the abnormal class, the qualities and defects of each student of the abnormal class. As Iruma does now with every bunny student.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2023
Iruma says he doesn't want to be king, but what Iruma doesn't know is that his destiny/fate is to become a demon king.

And before Iruma can be a demon king, Iruma must first be a teacher.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2023
Presumably, Iruma will teach Mephisto to find his own path rather than following one forced upon him by another, thus earning Mephisto's unwavering loyalty, not just his interest.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 24, 2024
Can you please elaborate a little on what exactly you were referring to.
TLDR, Deku lost his quirk, and in turn lost his popularity, becomes a teacher, forgotten by the masses while all other hero was immortalized through statue, all his classmate made a group chat without Deku, and cucked by Bakugo (Uravity married Bakugo)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
TLDR, Deku lost his quirk, and in turn lost his popularity, becomes a teacher, forgotten by the masses while all other hero was immortalized through statue, all his classmate made a group chat without Deku, and cucked by Bakugo (Uravity married Bakugo)
Ok, so that last part never happened, and that's really only partially true for the rest of it, but others need to learn that for themselves so I won't say more.
May 25, 2019
Man Memphisto going to be blindsided again. Let's hope that Iruma won't lose out on his promotion out of technicality or some BS like that.

Also, I like how the Mangaka made use of Iruma visit to the teachers for this arc a nice pay off after he was caged by his fluffy familiar to not mess it up. Only for him to be his familiar yet again! :dogkek:

Fun times!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2023
I wonder if the wall is that who's going to continue running the school in the long term? Though same can be said about him supposedly becoming the king
That's just my guess, but considering what Mephisto went through, perhaps the wall that Iruma is "headed" to is either supporting others and seeing them turn on him or some sort of teacher-related trouble (not getting their respect, being unable to answer their expectations, failing some students who get behind compared to others or lack the discipline to improve themselves). There is not enough clues and too many possibilities really, we gotta wait and see.
May 1, 2018
That's actually debunked histiography. Great empires last longer than 250 years. The Roman Empire lasted from 27 BC to 476 AD, over twice as long as the 250 year mark.



(link to wikipedia in case the gif breaks)

It spent a pretty significant chunk of that time splintering into different polities with questionable claims to being the "true" Roman Empire.

Same goes for all those other empires; between drastic changes in territory and government, whether or not they constitute a single continuous "empire" is highly debatable.

Hell the U.S. is going to reach its 250th anniversary in 2026, and we're not far gone enough to collapse by then.

In two years? Probably not... but it's far from impossible. I mean, there were only 85 years between America declaring independence from Britain and its first civil war, and the same group that incited that one are calling for another. Once again, it all depends on how you define "collapse".
Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2024
359 chapters in and only now are we getting a magic explanation 💀
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2018


(link to wikipedia in case the gif breaks)

It spent a pretty significant chunk of that time splintering into different polities with questionable claims to being the "true" Roman Empire.

Same goes for all those other empires; between drastic changes in territory and government, whether or not they constitute a single continuous "empire" is highly debatable.
I was counting exclusively the Roman Empire from the moment Octavian took charge to the day Romulus Augustulus disappeared. Arguably it still continued on as the Eastern Roman Empire, but that's also a messy historical quagmire since the Byzantines spoke Greek and never controlled Rome after Belisarius died. They certainly considered themselves Roman at least.

If America counts as an empire because of its colonies, then Rome would too starting from when it started taking its first colonies by conquest. Basically from the 1st Punic War until its collapse in 476, a massive 700 year interval.

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