I mean, I still prefer the two main ones he's got at home. None of these five make the cut. Although it depends entirely on how much is expanded on them later on. He's still mostly set in his monogamy mindset, which I think is natural considering where he's from.I have to say, out of the five girls, all the other 4 girls have far better designs than the main girl, sad that she'll probably be part of the harem. Need more brown women please.
Unlike most other groups out there, we care about readers on a global scale, not just Mangadex. Often when sniping occurs, the chapters get ripped to aggregator, so readers outside Mangadex had to suffer from terrible TL, which we would rather avoid if possible. So I tend to try to undo that damage whenever I could.Why should you care if other groups snipe you? You're doing an awesome job with quality work. Keep it up!