Well, that was easy. Too easy, even. Juliana got away without even a slap on the wrist. I was wrong about Clara, she took the high road and let her greatest enemy leave without harming so much as a single hair on her head. Rather disappointing, but it's consistent with her honorable and knightly Lawful Good character. But enough of that damn "saintess", she can get lost and never ever come back. May she get her well-deserved comeuppance someday.
I'm here for Clara and that reunion of a re-summoning, and... I liked it. It doesn't change the fact that the preceding arc was a painful slog, but that moment was at least a (very) small reward of sorts to me for that terribly tedious time. This girl deserved to be happy even before she went through that ordeal of a chase to preserve her love (which just proved she's deserving of best girl status). Kouta almost did a title drop on page 23.
Well damn, 14 years sure is a big timeskip. That means Kouta is now ~44 and Clara is ~34 at the minimum. They have a teenage son now, and I guess Kouta took Clara's family name (she's the noble with a family name to preserve anyway) since their son isn't "Reinhart Hinoharu". Who was that girl with him? That wasn't his mom for sure. Archer girl Fiine (she'd be ~32 now)? Or summoner Leah (now ~30)?
I really love their marriage picture framed on the wall. Why, it's a story waiting to be told by itself! But did they really have to do that freaking 14 year time skip? How dare they skip over showing all the potential good stuff like the wedding, honeymoon, pregnancy, early parenthood... I also wanted to know what happened to Akito and did he ever get together with another girl (Leah?) like Kouta did?
Man, the lack of a wedding arc at the minimum is complete insanity especially since this isn't even the ending, so what justifies that insane pacing of a time skip? Don't tell me the novel skipped the wedding too?