@Brutu well, he is more of a spiritmancer than a necromancer as he do not only play around with the dead but also spirit/soul magic.
Also necromancers don't always have to be evil mind you. Diablo have a perfect example of a necromancer who is not evil. They are pretty much as close to true neutral you can get.
Necromancy is just usually evil as reviving corpses is considered unsightly in most settings and undead without a soul tend to be evil by default as they tend to hate the living for some reason or another.
first off lets set something straight, reanimating a corpse without a soul and resurrecting the dead in a spectral or undead body are very different things.
reanimating a body without a soul or mind tend to be evil in most settings as you are forcefully desecrating the dead and/or bending them to your will with magic witch is a form off enslavement.
bootleg resurrection spells in form of necromancy on the other hand do NOT have to be evil.
When you revive someone and they come back as their original selves it depends on if the person you resurrect is evil or not, that is ofcourse unless the spell/ritual you preform is not off a evil nature like for example requiring the blood of innocent people or it corrupting the flow of magic / souls in some way or you do not enslave them that is.....
The whole enslavement part mixed with the forceful control it brings over the dead is what makes people thing necromancy is allways evil
like lets take the basic Dungeons and dragons setting for example. Necromancy there is evil there becouse the cretures you summon are all bloodhungry monsters without a soul and most of the time without mind ( most of the time, there are smart undeads too )
and if you fail to controll them every single day they turn back into feral undeads who hunt and kill all living creatures.
on the other hand a setting where the undead are NOT mindless monsters would allow for a good necromancer.
If the resurrection is for a good cause and the one getting resurrected is willing to help out off free will then its not really evil.