The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady - Vol. 6 Ch. 32

Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
Thank you for the chapter!
All these people calling him and asshole or saying they hope Anis kills him, come on now. He had all the responsibilities and restrictions of royalty put on his head and lost all his freedom, while also now having to carry the immense weight of expectations on his shoulders and also having to shoulder the burdens of everyone in the kingdom. He lost his youth and his freedom. He doesn't want to be the prince.
It's like you haven't seen a single cheesy movie about "But Daaaad, I don't  want to be a baseball star! I want to dance! I wanna be the best ballerina the world has ever seen!" smh my head
And this justifies him being willing to commit homicide and familicide how? He has the right to his anger but all he's doing is hurting everyone around him. If he wasn't a Prince he would get the death penalty for his actions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
I didn't really like this story, but the competency of the author in understanding human nature is surprising. Being royalty, Al is completely right from the utilitarian/Machiavellian he would have been taught. Anis looks like a child from the viewpoint of someone native to their world. Think about all the people she could save by using her power to directly intervene. Noblesse Oblige and all that.

However, Anis is more mature. I'm not entirely sure shes conscious of why, but true maturity is accepting who you are and what you are capable of. If you want an example, stoicism has a lot of these concepts. I think Anis could be more responsible, but because she is an otherworlder she doesn't see the negatives of the world and culture as serious as Al does.

With the information we have, I believe Al is mostly in the right. However, the lesson Anis teaches us is applicable to both Al and ourselves. In the end, both royals should have learned from each other before the worst happened. Anis needed to become more responsible/dependable, and Al needed acceptance/happiness.

Two different forms of maturity, and concepts I usually never see from Japanese media.
Al is definitely in the wrong the moment he decided to commit murder to achieve his goals. It doesn't matter beyond that he is now a villain.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 10, 2023
He is just nuts or the author hasn't fleshed him out enough. His role as a prince hasn't shackled him enough to push someone into this state of depression.

The mere fact he is fighting to improve his life shows that he has hope somewhere. His target is wrong though. He is also an idiot it seems. Wouldn't want him with a crown.
The King doesn't want him as Crown Prince he wants the Princess to be next in line.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Just wanna say thank you to whoever thought about putting in memes or something in the credit page. It helps me recover from the sour mood the asshole brother made 🙏
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2018
I didn't really like this story, but the competency of the author in understanding human nature is surprising. Being royalty, Al is completely right from the utilitarian/Machiavellian he would have been taught. Anis looks like a child from the viewpoint of someone native to their world. Think about all the people she could save by using her power to directly intervene. Noblesse Oblige and all that.

However, Anis is more mature. I'm not entirely sure shes conscious of why, but true maturity is accepting who you are and what you are capable of. If you want an example, stoicism has a lot of these concepts. I think Anis could be more responsible, but because she is an otherworlder she doesn't see the negatives of the world and culture as serious as Al does.

With the information we have, I believe Al is mostly in the right. However, the lesson Anis teaches us is applicable to both Al and ourselves. In the end, both royals should have learned from each other before the worst happened. Anis needed to become more responsible/dependable, and Al needed acceptance/happiness.

Two different forms of maturity, and concepts I usually never see from Japanese media.
While I agree that in the utilitarian point of view, Anis being the monarch would be the best way forward, I repectfully disagree that Al's thinking is Machiavellian. I believe that Al's thinking is wrong in two key aspects: it's completely hypocritical and does not take into account what his sister is.

First, his desire to change the political landscape came not because of an innate desire to change the world, nor a desire for the 'greater good'. It came because he realized that he would be shackled into the political landscape as a puppet king. He even declared that he didn't want to be a mere cog in society. But had his sister not given up her right, she herself would have been in his position - shackled by the nobles and the duties of a monarch. He's complaining that his sister dumped the troubles to him and wanted his sister to take the burden.

More importantly, Al doesn't broach the key issue that his sister does not have magic. In a society where having strong magic is considered to be a blessing from the spirits, a non-magical monarch will cause issues with both the nobles who would look down upon Anis and the church who would (and do) conspire against her.

They already are at the brink of a civil war without Anis not having any succession rights. Look at what it took for Anis' research to be barely accepted by academia (and not even by the church): it took someone who was 'blessed by the spirits' to endorse it, and Anis had to slay a dragon. If either one was missing, it would have been laughed out of the stage and branded as heresy.

Imagine what their society would do if the monarch suddenly decided to fund magical research from a secular point of view without the same kind of support and 'results'. If Al was having a hard time despite being talented magically, how would her sister fair especially without the same results that she has now?

On top of that, those 'results' that really cemented Anis to be a heretical genius didn't just come about by magic. She was only able to invent what she has because she didn't have to deal with noble society or having to prepare for being a monarch. She nearly died to the dragon despite having everything she had prepared. Imagine if she fought the dragon without the years of hunting experience or the time to experiment and eventually create the mana sword. She wouldn't have the dragon kill achievement in the first place that made her a contender for the throne again.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
This manga does such a great adaptation, glad we have at least one good form outside of the WN/LN. I had to postpone a lot of series the season the anime for this aired due to irl stuff, and when I came back to continue this I saw the comments point out a lot of changes and bad decisions that just ruined pacing and key themes, so I decided to just cut my losses and properly drop it. And based on some of the comments here, seems I made quite the right call in doing so.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
I've been enjoying this a little more than the anime. I can't point out all the differences but the pacing does feel better. Thanks for TL.
The anime jammed 2 LN arcs in one season so the pacing end up a bit wack. It would have been better had the anime end after this arc.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
People need to chill a bit on Al. His biggest sin is basically being a guy in a yuri series. :LOL:

Well, that and complicated family situation, poor parenting, and (will be explored later) fragile political landscape of his country.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018

You know, all things considered?

I can't help but think that Al is still being used as a cog in this situation regardless.

I mean, someone had to go and put these ideas into his head, after all. It's a very rare case for a person to come to this kind of conclusion all by themselves without any outside influence.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2020
And he earned what was basicaly a perfect wife willing to do everything she could to support him, and he decided "lol fuck off i wana fuck this new girl that just want some friend". Yes there was the charm, but they explained that the charm only made people side with her. It dont explain him being a jerk to best girl.
On top of this he also had a family that was quite loving and suported him a lot.

Yeah he had responcibility, but the positive largerly outweight the negative.
Except he didn't "earn" her, he never even asked for that engagement in the first place. For him she was just another tool that high nobility used to try to control him. And we know for a fact that Euphylia was eager to fit into whatever mold was assigned to her so his assessment isn't even necessarily wrong.

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