Yondome wa Iya na Shizokusei Majutsushi - Vol. 5 Ch. 21 - Talea's Weapon

Apr 1, 2019
whoa, its good visualization better than the WN for background story of Talea.
I had read the WN raw chptr 396, its still on-going with pretty good paces.

enemies in this arc only ranked about 6 or 7 (racial evolution rank), the very last arc is war between Gods with 13 rank above. and Talea still at lower rank for vidal armies (rank 8), but she turn to be a magical Artisan princess (mahou shoujo reference)
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2018
Oh no it was one of those moments, time to play the drinking game, how many people drop this for a single tragic backstory

I frankly like the art style
Apr 26, 2019
@goodhunter Sexuality is a great part of this story in this context you know? In the novel, the goddess of life, Vida, and the races coming from her (like ghouls) all had ethically questionable (by our standards) sexual practices.
They are all mostly justified, like the cuckolding aspect of ghoul culture, which comes from their infertility.
If I have to reduce it to a sentence, they have a high degree of open and accepted sexual freedom, something Van actively tries to promote to a degree. Lets just say that trying to make the ghouls fertile isn't the only thing he worked on.
He actively experiments so undeads like skeletons (Bone Man received plenty of offers after his heroics) can have offspring...
Moreover, because of the combination of his Death Attribute Charm and King titles, anyone who accepts Van as their leader just accepts this sex culture.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@Denker-Bosu yea but you're not addressing the actual point of what I hate about it, it's the rape. Unless you're saying rape is part of the culture and that it's fine. I don't give a fuck if they choose to be open sexually, but rape is a whole another thing that really shouldn't be ok in any fucking culture. If someone wants to be a prostitute out of their own volition, whatever that's their prerogative. If someone wants to have multiple partners, that is also their prerogative (as long as everyone is giving consent), but when there's a lack of consent and it becomes rape or ntr bullshit, then fuck that noise. Nobody should normalize rape, nor use it as an overdone and lazy trope to make their media "dark."

I'll go as far as to say all the hentai shit that people draw for rape and everything are terrible and does nothing to help, but rather makes it worse. People who have rape fantasies imo should seek some professional counseling/therapy and see where these desires are coming from rather than just trying to indulge their fantasies. We need to especially stop all the pedo rape shit on hentai, and all pedo hentai is rape because minors cannot and should not be able to give legal consent. All of it is just sick, but I'm sure this kind of opinion is pretty controversial and well un-liked within the fan base of manga and hentai.
Oct 15, 2018
I believe in Alda. Van and the degenerate Vida races must be destroyed for the good of mankind.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
This REEEEally got people upset in the comments

Guys. It's just a manga. You can stop reading it and everything will be fine. Maybe pick up a nice slice of life or My Hero. Edgy revenge manga just ain't your thing and that's okay.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2020
why are these people mad, this is edgy dark ass manga, and you mad after reading 21 chapters? Now this guy complaining that the author putting rape plot point as a "fetish"? how can you know the author had that particular fetish? you just assumed it. I don't understand, it's already made clear that this manga is not light-hearted and not for the faint heart. and now you guys are shitting on the author for actually making a backstory for the characters. also, don't act as if the human in our world any better, rape happens every time, even right now somewhere on earth someone is getting rape and I'm sure of it.

TLDR if you cant handle edgy manga with a little dark story just don't fucking read it, instead of shitting on the author.

don't @ me, I don't want any of your excuses.
Double-page supporter
Jul 24, 2018
If someone have read the light-novel, could you please give me as many spoils as possible about what happens once he's dealt with those orcs please ?
Is he going to lead a kingdom or something ?
Thanks a lot for your time !
If you want spoilers... I'll give you spoilers and backstory. For those that don't want spoilers, I'd still recommend to read the backstory/lore.

Lore of 100,000 years ago -
Gods walked on the planet Lamda, guiding the 3 races (Human, Elf, Dwarf) and everything was peaceful. Then Guduranis came. A Demon King who invaded from another world 100,000 years ago along side an army of evil gods and monsters. The people and even Gods of this era where not prepared. The people where especially too weak to contend with monsters. The Gods created the "Status" System for this reason. Guduranis however hijacked this system thus giving monsters "Rank". The Gods then summoned "Champions" from (modern) Earth into Lamda of 100,000 years ago.

Not all the "Champions" where specialized with fighting though. Some of them where better with making weapons/technology to fight. Zakart (chosen by Vida) also managed to get a number of "Evil" (invader) Gods to switch sides, since Guduranis ruled by fear alone. He also wanted to build nuclear weapons to kill Guduranis, which lead to a split. The "Champion" Bellwood (chosen by Alda) was on Earth what you would call an Eco-terrorist. He was fundamentally opposed to spreading technology to Lamda but nuclear weapons most of all. He lead the other "champions" to abandon the 4 "creative" ones. Guduranis did not miss that chance, and attacked the 4. Guduranis could do something beyond mere killing - he can destroy souls (something even the gods cannot do). He shattered the souls of the 4 creative champions.

Guduranis was eventually defeated by Bellwood, but could not be killed. He was chopped into many pieces, and those pieces where sealed. They all remain quite dangerous. If they get into a host, they try to take it over. A host can however use those fragments to wield incredible powers, but doing so increases the level of corruption. It will eventually take you over and rampage (to reunite the body). The only person who had the power to permanently end such a threat was ironically... Guduranis himself. He was defeated but... the survivors of the world numbered only a few thousand.

In order to rebuild the world more quickly, Vida bred with many things including "evil" gods that had changed sides, and in doing so created many new races. She also created a new transmigration system (copied from Guduranis's own). Alda was outraged by the transmigration system, and Bellwood decided the world needed to be restored to as it was before the invasion (a world he never saw BTW), which in effect means the banning of technology and genocide of all Vida's new races. This mass genocide is also necessary to shut down Vida's transmigration system. Alda'a faction launched a surprise attack on Vida's faction (including the "evil" gods Zakart had managed to pull over), thus resulting in a Civil War of the Gods. Alda was successful, and Vida was impaled by his "piles of law" unable to recover. Vida did manage to create a great mountain range to stop the advance upon the lands of her new races. And a great barrier was erected to seal out any Gods who wanted to invade within it, maintained by the gods (some "evil") within it. Alda's faction has ruled the world ever since.

Broken souls cause problems for Rodcorte's reincarnation system, so he slapped the broken pieces of those champions together into 1 soul, and sent it to Earth. There did not seem to be any abnormalities according to him. Rodcorte (being eternally incompetent) didn't notice that soul when it appeared before him again 100,000 years later. When a ship sank, and he sent the victims to Origin with cheat abilities. Except one... the soul of 4 champions got no powers nor fate. When he was killed in Origin, Rodcorte cursed him, sent him to Lamda with the fate of not recovering his memories, living a miserable life, and eventual suicide. However the mostly sleeping/sealed Vida recognized that soul, and intervened. She pulled him into her own transmigration system, and he was born as a Dampire to a loving mother. Vida could not remove Rodcorte's curses, but did what little she could given her poor condition.

Short term -
Obviously you can guess that Van and crew will be victorious over the Noble Orcs and their army of lower tier monsters. But after that, the humans are coming. They know now (thanks to Luciano) about the Noble Orc threat. They are intending to subjugate the entire "Devil's Nest". Van understands he can't currently fight the subjugation force, and leads everyone past the nearly impassible mountains (but he can change the terrain via golems). They settle into the long destroyed city of Talosheim. The local undead Titans welcome Van, and they rebuild it.

There is another important point here. The ruins have a job change room and this is the first time Van had access to one. Van is cursed with being unable to acquire existing jobs, but the loophole is that he can take jobs that never have been taken before. Van can do things no one has done before (except perhaps Guduranis who is classified as a God and thus not a part of the Status System). Combined with being able to get experience shared from his minions (he can't get any directly because of the curse), Van can finally acquire more strength.

Then -
Van will be targeted by the 3 pure blood vampires who have long manipulated human society from the shadows. They consider Dampires an impurity to cleanse. (Origin Vampire > Pure Vampire > Noble Vampire > Vampire). There are actually lots more pure bloods (essentially demi-gods) who still worship Vida, but those 3 split off and worship an evil god (invader god from another world) instead. During the assassination attempt, Van figures out he can destroy souls, and does so. One of the Noble Vampire assassins though is charmed by him and joins instead. However this event (especially the soul destruction) lands him on the radar of Alda (Greater God of Justice, ruler of the God faction that controls the world). Likewise Rodcorte decides Van needs to be killed, as breaking souls causes damage to his reincarnation system. Breaking souls after all is an ability not seen since Guduranis. Thus Van has become a potential to even kill gods, if he where to become powerful enough. Furthermore breaking too many souls could destroy the reincarnation system that supports 3 worlds (Earth, Origin, Lamda) leading to 3 dead worlds.

After that -
The city is being rebuilt and expanded. The Amid Empire gets directed (by Alda) to kill Van, and plan a large subjugation force. It seems they have a tunnel that can be used to get through the mountains. Van builds many walls with his golem ability. He also acquires the ability to create diseases, and it is this that he uses to neutralize that army. He sends it back as undead, but sent them back slowly so they had enough time to prepare, because it was intended as a warning. Van also closed the tunnel.

Then it really begins -
Van still has hopes for being a part of human society (despite now being a ruler too) as an adventurer, so he travels to the other major empire (which doesn't persecute Vida races so much as the Amid Empire does). He saves some villages against a plot and an attack, migrates the villages into his city instead, finds out that some Titans are slaves in a mine (since they where betrayed when Talosheim was destroyed in the past), frees them. Then he travels to free their princess (a ghost) sealed in a place that also seals the Blood of Guduranis... and he drinks it since there is no "danger sense" reaction from doing so. He also destroys the barrier of that place, and frees the princes. Her having died by fire, she became a fire elemental ghost, and Van can use her to cast the Fire magic he can't cast himself - basically combining her affinity with his massive mana pool. It is in this place, the first of the other reincarnators attacks him. Having died on Origin and been tasked by Rodcorte with killing Van (also promised a reward). In any case Van prevails over the first cheat user, and breaks his soul to prevent him from returning to try again.

But there are > 100 of them in total. The bigger point though, rather than being taken over by the fragments of Guduranis, Van takes over the fragments and they become a part of him. He can use his massive mana pool to do crazy things with them. Thus the birth of the 2nd Demon King Van. A boy who doubles as an eldritch horror at times. Thus giving Van a path to get much stronger(finding more pieces), but also greatly increasing the threat he poses. Another point is this - The undead who encounter Van (and are given his mana) become a lot more life-like in how they think/behave/function rather than now undead normally are. So he can even build a functioning society that encompasses undead, but that can be viewed as another sort of danger - without him they would eventually revert to the normal nature of undead. Building a large army of greatly strengthened undead could be a world threatening disaster the day he dies. The longer it goes on, the greater the danger.

There is of course quite a bit more story than that. That's just getting stated. If you want more, read the novel.
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
There are actually more people complaining about people complaining than the actual complaining. lol
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
Once again

Murder, genocide, torture, every other dark gruesome sht = A-okay
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
again it looks like they redrew it. Original i seen wasn't darkened out and as zoomed in.

still wondering how many kids talia had. she must have had one or 2 in nearly 300 years

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