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  1. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 471 - The Puppets

    RICHARD ARATA WON THE BAN. Shoutout to like the one person who proposed the theory that the outlaw Richard is a puppet in the 417 comment section. Richard is like one of my favorite characters and this is like one of, if not my favorite chapters so I have alot to say (honestly I've been...
  2. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 43 Ch. 470 - The Slave In His Heart

    WARNING: to everyone who forgot the hint regarding the "new guy's" identity. Anoma is going to crush your bones like he did with the glass. (I was so looking forward to it being brought up in the comments but no one did ): oh well). Anyway this was an amazing arc and a nice conclusion. Thanks...
  3. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 461 - The Uncovered Landmine

    @nhattminhh Vincent has called Caracal (in his sleep state) and Voja('s hands) beautiful before. @belkrax How could you say that. Voja was never ugly, she just believed she was.😢
  4. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 453 - The Strongest 4 Cards

    @ftxnhxyy I was thinking/hoping the use of "virtual man" was some sort of reference to how he and Richard are similar as well, but the words used in Japanese are different... The word translated as "virtual" here is: 仮想. (I've personally never seen it before so idk what kind of context and...
  5. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 42 Ch. 453 - The Strongest 4 Cards

    @BossCrab I have been wondering about Fukurou's motives for being here as well. When I discussed it with others there was not any conclusion other than "he just wants to gamble." I have this one theory that may not offer a conclusion answer but may shed more light on their relationship. And I...
  6. Ghetsis

    Batuque - Vol. 6 Ch. 62 - Frank Emperor

    Thank you for your work, as always. And congratulations for catching up to the volume releases!!! Is this the end of the batch then? And continuing on that, are you guys planning to only translate from the volume releases or are you planning to use/catch up to the magazine releases? Anyway...
  7. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 423 - Spinal Signature

    RIP Torpe, the objectively cutest character in the series. Jokes (or is it?) aside, even if Torpe did not seem to get a whole lot of screen time/development, I really like his design, so I was upset with how anti-climatic his death (?) was (it was still funny though). What a way to go...
  8. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 38 Ch. 416 - Cannibalism

    @Doomroar Hal really had no other choice when dealing with the diamonds (at least I think). He couldn't give them to Kakerou because he's technically not their leader at the moment (but Hachina Naoki). And he was still declared missing until after he entered the Ban. The only person he could of...
  9. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 38 Ch. 415 - A New Nightmare

    @Doomroar @a2j04vm0 when I read the linked part, with grandpa Nowa saying he has "sharp ears," it reminded me of the part you guys are talking about. So, I personally think Mitora is extra sensitive about his ears because they're supposed to be so great and...
  10. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 36 Ch. 388 - The Sad News Within The Hollowness

    I wonder if the delivery of the coordinates will go successfully and his allies can find the island, cause then his ally shortage won't be a problem. And that's probably what he's betting on, since as Kadokura put it, "he's destroying his own citizens, who will become his army." If his allies...
  11. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 36 Ch. 387 - Reward Of "Violence"

    Thanks for the chapter, but my heart is Utterly Crushed. Don't think I'll be able to feel happy ever again now... The whole fake antidote thing from last chapter kinda confused me, but now I'm pretty sure it being fake was a lie so Bandai wouldn't have a reason to step on/destroy it like he was...
  12. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 36 Ch. 386 - Sanctuary

    @rockeyn I am not sure that the flight attendant actually fell/died though. Because the first scene with Caracal and the flight attendant was Caracal's dream while he was sleeping. Obviously the dream is based on a memory that actually happened, but we don't know which parts are real and which...
  13. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 34 Ch. 364 - Beatdown

    Bohoho. As always, thanks for the chapter! I guess I was too excited about K(y)adokura surviving that I didn't consider the possibility that he got brain damage... That's pretty depressing... Even more depressing is that, according to Boro, he is repressing his personality changes, so he must...
  14. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 34 Ch. 363 - Instigating Each Other

    @Bakugomorou (If you aren't aware) in the original he calls himself "papa." Which I think has the same connotations as "daddy," (as in its mostly used by children and has sexual connotations when used by adults). (I could be wrong though). When I read it I also translated it as "daddy." I took...
  15. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 33 Ch. 361 - The Fallen Fortress

    I had been really looking forward to this chapter, thank you Team Duwang! I was really curious to see how Midara/Damien's title, "Yuuutsu no Mahoutsukai," would be translated. "Gloomy Magician" is fucking great (I kept calling him Depression Wizard...). And Midara's gamer friends saying...
  16. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 33 Ch. 356 - The Sneering Brother

    @catx3 Thank you for the info and for fixing the typo! For some reason I didn't consider the idea of Robert and Suteguma being half brothers. I like that idea, so I am going with it now. The reason I said Robert's hair is blonde is because he is blonde on his playing card (which were drawn by...
  17. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 33 Ch. 356 - The Sneering Brother

    @KeepTheFeather Thank you for the explanation/clearing things up! So at that time, Suteguma had just been sold, right? (I thought it meant that he had already been sold for a while). Him being sold recently makes more sense. I still find it kinda weird that Robert does not mention the other...
  18. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 33 Ch. 356 - The Sneering Brother

    Thanks so much for the chapter!! Robert K's backstory/reason for joining IDEAL is very interesting. And I found that flashback powerful/emotionally gripping. Love that this manga usually always gives a reason for seemingly unimportant details. There is one thing I am confused about regarding...
  19. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 33 Ch. 354 - Advantage Or Negligence

    Yay, the next batch has begun. As always, thank you so much Team Duwang! Very excited to see what happens next. Douji fun fact: His catchphrase is "OK," in English. (So that is why he says it twice in that one panel). Anyway, this was a good chapter. Using the same message for two fights...
  20. Ghetsis

    Usogui - Vol. 32 Ch. 347 - A Guaranteed Bet

    Cat vs Bird! This chapter was so hype!!! Kyara is edgy as always and Vincent's outfit is really fun. Baku wants to help all the slaves while Vincent is more occupied with just his own group, an interesting contrast. Thanks for your work! (I was really hoping to see Robert K before the batch...