In the end, he didn't truly understand. It's not satisfying. Yes, he did get to experience what he he had inflicted on another, but he doesn't understand WHY. I think this happened with the movie start arc too- blondie just died while still having an entitled mentality. To be fair, I think blondie was a lost cause- it is very realistic to show that some people will never understand. But with Min Mingzhe, he had the capacity to realize that his despair parallels the one he created for old Luxia, but he doesn't. Of course "if he doesn't on his own, it just shows he is too hopeless", but it is Luxia's "job" to do the ass-kicking and lesson-teaching...
I'm blabbering,,, i just wanted this kid to realize "oh, so this is what I've done..." and then, like, die off beautifully or something smh
This series often ends arcs unsatisfyingly for me, but it's fun!