I hate almost every character in this story.
Not in how they act, but in how they are.
This story is the worst form of Grey vs. Black Morality.
This whole thing is exists solely off of catharsis of of evil people getting their comeuppance in extravagant ways.
But when every single villain so irrationally sadistic, you cease being able to handle this as a believable world.
This is made even worse by the fact that the only difference between each villain is how the enact their evil.
Like "oh, you eat people. oh, kill people and steal their stuff. oh, you're a corrupt *insert position of authority*", but other then those different flavors when you get right down to it they're all the same person in a different position acting almost the same.
Possibly an issue for my interpretation of this is the fact I'm reading the manga and not the light novel, because as far as I know this artist could just have some obsession with drawing the same face for every villain.
It's entirely possible that this is just a bad adaptation that's making a vaguely okay story to an "eh" story.