Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 19 Ch. 140 - On that day... I... met... Senpai...

Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2023
Yeah... It's make me feel divided.
In one hand, Orihara deserves waaay more than Nagatoro in other hand I don't want their confession taking any longer.
I mean, like Nagatoro saying Hachi keep trying so he deserved the second place and even surpassing the rival.
Nagatoro dropped martial arts for a long time for a silly reason and didn't care about it.
I disagree with the notion that she quit for a silly reason. What you have to take into consideration is the fact that until Orihara's first victory over her, Nagatoro had been skating by on her natural talent. Gamobsaid this in her flashback, Nagatoro said as much way back during the school Judo Tournament, the previous March(six months before, in the story timeline). She had never faced adversity like that, her still immature mind couldn't fathom the thought of having to maintain her level of skill, it certainly never thought a supposed push-over like the younger Orihara could actually improve her skills to surpass her.

Until she met Naoto and saw someone who persevered even if his talents fell short. It re-awakened that drive in her, especially when he was the lone voice cheering her on against Orihara.
Apr 5, 2023
Nagatoro went really hard on Senpai the first time around, her POV doesn't really show why she went hard. It's tame in comparison. Still nice touch she had a reason to be interested in him at first, and the rest is history.
Older memories tend to get altered by newer ones and the passage of time. Most people forget their own worst behavior in hindsight. "I was immature and empty and looking for someone to feel superior to" would not be the first thing even a maturing teen would think to describe themselves a mere year and a half on.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
nagatoro in last place
every other romcom couple has hooked up already
Wrong, Akutsu and Ooyama are last, at least here they actually set a goal for each other, the other manga is just dragging shit out, and it doesn't help how it puts out less pages for each chapter

At least here I actually have hope for these 2
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
Oyama and Akutsu are taking their sweet-ass time since the onsen arc, too, but they're definitely bucking a trend.
Me personally, it got old fast, to the point where I grew bored of that manga, which sucks since it had potential in the beginning

They're just bullshitting at this point
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2023
We've started to read this series just as a romcom story with a cheeky tanned JK kouhai, but seeing the story show more depth and incorporating genres as the story progresses is so fantastic and makes me feel like I'm being rewarded as a loyal reader. Kudos to Nanashi.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Please Go Home Akutsu San

This manga is actually handling their progress well, that manga is just dragging shit out, at this point the author is just bullshitting with the progress, I've grown bored and tired of the same cycle
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2018
Technically speaking, Marin and Gojo have not officially started dating either, but like our two knuckleheads in love here, they're close to their own confessions, once their done with the Haniel Arc
i think gojo is still far behind our senpai-protag here, who already knows they love each other, wants to go out with each other, but fumbled with the timing to be official couple due senpai self-worth reason.
tough, Nagatoro might simply gonna pounce him and confess, or we gonna see them as official couple as one of them enters uni
Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2018
Wrong, Akutsu and Ooyama are last, at least here they actually set a goal for each other, the other manga is just dragging shit out, and it doesn't help how it puts out less pages for each chapter

At least here I actually have hope for these 2
Akutsu and Ooyama will going to be dead last along with rent-a-girlfriend, i suppose.
tough i haven't check rent-a-girlfriend for awhile after seeing that i thought the mangaka gonna milk "the will they wont they" till end. hopefully i'm proven wrong
Apr 5, 2023
i think gojo is still far behind our senpai-protag here
The Hanniel arc's sole redeeming feature (apart from the actual Comiket cosplay itself) might be Gojo's emerging self-worth, the one thing he's lacked to see the possibility of pursuing his feelings with seriousness.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Y’all just be using words. This wasn’t a retcon. We never got Nagatoro’s pov of that moment.
No way was that written with this moment in mind. It's not a complete retcon, because there's nothing substantially changed in terms of events, but it is close to a retcon in terms of changing the emotional colouring of the start of the story. Nagatoro wasn't inspired by Paisen's crappy manga, she was toying with him. Feelings came later, and not acknowledging that is convenient and cheap.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 7, 2023
So a great mystery about the story got solved, what caught her attention and interest so much in Naoto to the first place. It seems that she got impressed by the love and care he put in his manga. And as they were spending time together, she was getting more and more impressed with his determination to improve on his passion.

Also I am very happy to see Orihara getting some support too. We all wish for Nagatoro to win, but Orihara deserves too some love.

Though it feels like following a common trope for the story ending, I believe that Nanashi is very well capable of surprising us all with a continuation, just like he has done time and time again.
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Fed-Kun's army
Nov 7, 2023
Nagatoro went really hard on Senpai the first time around, her POV doesn't really show why she went hard. It's tame in comparison. Still nice touch she had a reason to be interested in him at first, and the rest is history.
I don't think the flashback tones down her bullying to sempai. It just doesn't include it. I want to learn why she was so harsh to him, but it makes sense to remember only the good parts, the ones that will give her strength in battle.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2020
Now that I think about it, the first chapters are from senpai's perspective, when he wasn't in the best place mentally. So, while from Nagatoro's perspective she did some light teasing, from senpai's perspective, she was absolutely vicious to him.

In reality, it was probably neither one or the other, but somewhere in between.
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