page 4 :
wimpy simp walks like a string puppet , because main female is a puppet master , and she is stringing him along , lol .
page 7 :
- female : well , what do we do now ?
- if simp is a normal human : what the F ? b!tch , you were the one who invited me out and you havent thought about a place that we could go ? you wasted 20 minutes to change your clothes instead of thinking about a place ?
- if simp has a b@ll : well , how about we go to a love-hotel to have some "funs" together ? lol .
page 13 :
" an inbound call from harumi " .
does simp seriously call his own mother with her given name "harumi" ?
- Superman : You're letting them kill Harumi ... , Find him , ... Save Harumi ...
page 16 :
- simp : screw the promise . screw my own mother . screw the little sh!tty brats . you and i can go to a love-hotel instead .
page 20 :
- simp : i will hail for a taxi , and you will pay for the taxi fee , because i do not have no money , lol .
a new record : a whole chapter is filled with these scenes : 2 boring characters are just walking around and talking nonsenses , and nothing happens .