For me, if it’s from the past year it’d be the anime adaptation of Eighth Son...Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Desho
Take a slightly better than average isekai novel, make a middling manga interpretation of that, while condensing arcs to fit within a manga’s chapter structure.
Then using the already middling manga adaptation, throw in some “original” overused-gags, and even more time compression that crams some tens of the manga’s chapters into random episodes, while performing a half-hearted reinterpretation of an already condensed reinterpretation of the novel and you end up with a mess that even I , a self-admitted isekai junkie, wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole controlled via bluetooth.
I’d sooner watch Grave of the Fireflies and feel depressed for a week again than watch 8th son’s anime