So her plan is to make Serena's life miserable at school & possibly murder her while she's doing it.... I'm sure this go smoothly if you ignore Serena is an assassin & at the same time once Tigur is scouting Serena at every moment. Plus once he learns about this then it's probably not going to go the way she thought it would. Also I wonder if Einrich will be a better person with Serena unintentionally assisting him or it just be him falling even harder for her. Thanks for the translations.
When you try to harass your adopted sister for being better than you, but you don't know that your adopted sister is an assassin that can splice your body seventy different ways
Some people are just like the dumb sister, no matter which cloth nor social status they have... some even have education, they will always stay true to their origin.
a pitiful puny bring.