The entire Isekai Genre is one Over Done Idea after Another, there isn't anything original and what was original and good got knock off after knock off.
This manga isn't unique in that regard, it is all down to whether you like the small differences or not.
Though, to be absolutely fair, manga as a whole is filled with unoriginal knock offs and clones. My Hero Acadamia is far from original, Hellsing is basically a glorified, edgier rip off of Dracula, Cowboy Bepop was just another Space Opera, Naruto and Black Clover are just another shonen manga about an idiot with OP powers, and Demon Slayer is just another Oni and Oni Slayer centric manga set during the samurai eras of Japan.
Sitting here and being overly hostile and antagonistic over the obvious doesn't make you look cool. It makes you look like a child that can't have fun because they are to busy having their head shoved up their rectum and deep into their edgelord phase.