Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami - Vol. 7 Ch. 51

Feb 2, 2019
Surprised that Armelia has yet to proclaim its independence from the Kingdom... They were losing their reputation, but at least they would have an armed force
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
Dissolving armed for love peace? Best ideal ever! Way to reduce useless countries
"We don't want to fight anymore. Truce?"
"Nope, get rekt lul"

There a lot of moron think like that rl too, like anti-vaccine even right now, and I can't believe some joke about drinking bleach for cure become reality
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Should just hire assassins and kill the idiot prince(s) and the lady whats-her-stupid-face. Wouldn't be challenge, even with plot armor.
Jan 24, 2018
Dissolving the armed forces, huh? Makes sense. Without a centralised military force it would fall back upon the individual nobles to provide security for their own realms. This in term would weaken the influence of the crown. Because any future decisions would have to be made under the consideration that any of the nobles could rebel any time. And if an influential noble or a faction would take up arms it would probably take the forces of the remaining nobles to oppose them. Who in term have their own interests to consider. So to keep them happy the crown has to bow to the nobles.

So the ones proposing this notion and those supporting it are by no means stupid. Just greedy. And in their greed for more power for themselves they overlook/discount the adventage this gives their neighbouring nations. Especially the one they have an ongoing truce with.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2018
Damn how I hate the prince. The day he is stripped of his title and that fucking toth is eliminated is a day of celebration.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@breizh Maybe if they weren't otome game world/isekai nobles. Since they are, this is pretty much par for the course isn't it? It's almost more shocking that anyone besides the female lead is actually competent in their position of power and responsibilities.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
imagine having ppl who say "we don't want an army to defend our country while we're still technically at war with a neighboring country" if it were up to me that very notion would be treason
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 17, 2018
That sounds pretty likely. Weaken the crown/army, and the nobles get to run their own little fiefs as they like since the crown doesn't have a standing army to put them back in line. If anything I just have to say that the one proposing is the 'heroine' Lily influencing the prince and his entourage. The nobles are just taking advantage, not the ones who came up with it.

And of course, there's the various details such as "where will all the newly-unemployed soldiers go?" that the idiots prince and co. haven't considered, and the supporting nobles are likely underestimating. While some would likely just switch over to the nobles' private militias and such and some to civilian lives, what I often see in stories like this where the army gets dissolved a good chunk of them turn to banditry. Which of course the nobles will only care about their own territories, and without a national army there's no coordinated way to rout out the bandits, etc etc etc...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@Wolvenworks I imagine they refer to dissolving either the country's army (as in, the kings), giving more authority to noble houses as their armies remain, or dissolving the nobles army (its a bit fuzzy with the wording) which is helpful in war as it implies their army is phased into the royal one (and having a singular centralized army makes for faster decisions and no need to fear betrayal by a noble at a crucial moment).
Besides, they aren't at war. They have a truce, and the "hostilities" are likely cold-war esque hostilities, such as border raids by soldiers pretending to be bandits, spies like the heroine trying to sabotage the country, and so on. Rather, declaring a state of emergency if going to chip solidly at his factions power, as people will get uneasy with there being a faction/person who can grab so much power at a moments notice with what is obviously just a dummy-reason for form and etiquette.
Jul 18, 2019
The royal family trying to destroy the growing power of the Armelia family I understand, but dissolving the military...?
I wonder why the neutral parties backed the proposal - maybe it's a sign that the 1st princes parties will switch sides :(
Apr 19, 2018
@Siikalahna why bother assassinate them. Just spread the news about the army disband and pretty sure the whole military department will stand up and start a coup. And with the influence the MC have on military, they can even ascend to the throne easily.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Asturaetus Having the second prince behind it does mean the second prince is stupid, though. It basically equals to undermining the position of the king, yet the dude wants to be the king. Like he's preparing for himself the throne with no power and thus making himself a puppet. How can you even talk anyone sane into such a thing? That Yuri girl must honed her bedchamber skills to an extreme level. Mastering 1001 positions would be just the beginning of it.

@werewolf914 Yeah. This is supposed to be seinen, but the fact your proposal isn't going to happen means this is really shoujo.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
@Kaarme Don't forget that Yuri has that Divan backer of hers. He's many connections with the nobles, which he's likely using to smoothen that army dissolution thing.
Plus if I remember the 2nd prince is more a figurehead, which the corrupt higher nobles like his mother are using to enrich themselves at the country's expense.
Aggregator gang
Mar 4, 2018
@FireCamp I'm allergic, thanks. But also, you can't tell me that Yuri isn't an allegory for China. In February, Canada donated and shipped off 17 TONS of medical PPE to China as a pandemic was about to be unleashed. And Canada's public health officer is just a CCP puppet. It's literally the exact same story except that Theresa Tam is disgusting both inside and out, while Yuri has something going for her. But the point is that this story is hardly escapism for me, it's just a parody of real life right now.

Not to even start with the countries letting China set up their 5G infrastructure for them. That is as close to just throwing up your hands and surrendering your country away as you can get.

If you're the kind of person to look at China harvesting the organs of uygher Muslims and just go "lalalala can't hear you," then good for you. Congrats on being assimilated into the hive mind you robot. What the gov't around the world wants most from its people is for them to just be voluntarily imprisoned by mindless entertainment and never bother with using those higher order thinking skills. Your existence is proof of the gov't power over us.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@feha "truce" means that they are still at war, but not actively shooting at each other. think north and south korea. now imagine if you have some idiot influential person in south korea leading an attempt to disband the ROK army. you can't maintain a truce if there's no military deterrent against it.

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