Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami - Vol. 7 Ch. 54

Apr 19, 2018
As a man, I like the stories in some shoujos which have a plot outside romance, but the art proportions always irks me and that happens almost always, why?
Sep 4, 2019
Thank you for the update! It's interesting to see how the story is progressing - and if Dorson is going to be a douche can he just piss off 🙄
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
Normally I’d be strongly in the “fuck off away from the FL so she can find her happiness without you self-centered, self-righteous, selfish self-pricks ruining her afternoon tea time” but ohhhhhhhhhhh, I want to see her get her revenge on everyone that’s ever wronged her.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
wow color me surprised someone with an actual brain that knows that rumours can't really be trusted until u have met the person and see for yourself
Oct 8, 2019
thank you for the updaate!

daaaaamn, mc is awsome.

dont bother mc, you fake knight. if you still think thag you did nothing wrong, thiink again.

kudos to the person saying that dont judge a person base from rumors.. (its an actual advice that we need in rl)
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2019
Spoiler for the two guys, the ex-pope's son and the knight:
Pope son was executed for not upholding his end of the bargain, iirc. The knight guy ended up being expelled from the teritory.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 2, 2019
Politics never had been this interesting in school. Glad series like these exist <3

@TheMarksman i dont know how legit that spoiler is but maaaan, here i was expecting some redemption from them. But i guess thats too much to ask for them haha
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
@Chucholain A little add-on for Dorsen and Van
Basically, if I remember the spoilers right
Van- eventually realizes that no matter how hard he works, he will never attain the same high ranking position as his corrupt dad if he stays the way he is, so he falls to temptation. No to worry though, Iris and co. already expected his coming failure of a character and he gets executed via drinking poison via goblet while apologizing to Iris for ANOTHER chance
Dorsen- actually, upon meeting Iris again, he DOES realize his mistake but he was expelled by his own family since the family actually supports MC and as a knight, his actions that day weren't knightly at all (and remember, he kept looking down at our bois Deida and the other one whose name escapes me atm but his father respects them and the knight squad got curbstomped by them before). Also, due to his actions, as a reminder also ruined their social rep as Iris's mom is one of the high ranks/faces in noble parties. Sadly, compared to Bern while he accepts being expelled, Dorsen eventually dies in combat while fighting the shifty merchant guy introduced halfway in this series/adaptation whose name also escapes me at the moment
A bonus... on the 2nd Prince
2nd prince whose name also escapes me *I apologize on my sh*tty memory*
He genuinely DOES fall for Yuri but dies protecting her either from a stray arrow or a sword slash, probably the former. Yuri realizes upon his death that he was serious in loving her and on his death, she realizes she has nothing and also dies afterwards (they were at this point, at war already if I remember it right)
So basically, Yuri's harem fates
Bern- gets full redemption and gets to be in a relationship/marry the princess. Best ending out of the 4
Dorsen- gets his redemption, gets punishment but accepts it but sadly dies a tragic death.
Prince- gets his feelings reciprocated after he dies but basically has no redeeming features *other than his looks I guess*
Van- given a 2nd chance by the main cast, would've had a peaceful life as a simple priest if he didn't fall prey to temptation. Stayed as a minor character/villain with one major arc to his name right to the very end
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2019
this ark feels like it is going to be the redemtion ark for all the secondary male lead (of the game).
Mar 30, 2018
I love how Iris handled that shitty Van.

Oh! I was wondering if they all were getting redeemed. Thank you for the spoilers. I am looking forward to seeing all that in the manga.

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