There's almost certainly gonna be "correction", just that with the "she's easy" + she ends up "happy" I don't expect their long term relation to be all about it.
From the 2 chapters so far, she 'likes' him enough to give him protective magic stones and panic when he's about to die, but at the same time also have that typical noble hubris to be unable to be open about it (difference in social status and all that)
So new MC can probably use that to manipulate her.
Personally I would love it if she ends up being just an extreme tsundere amplified by the society/upbringing/status.
Too many of these types make the villianess (either as protag or not) being simply a goody goody all along.
The butler "guiding" her late in the story vs raising her in a Princess maker vibe (likely influence in such works imo for the changing her future trope getting at it at a young age) isnt very common imo.
Also, a lot either have the intervention years in advance, or at the condemnation events. So something "mid story" is also a nice little tweak, as is making the "heroine" the/a antagonist of sorts without the MC being the villianess herself is a nice wrinkle I'm curious to see..... also them thighs. I aint denying shit. Solid character design. :3
Edit: Also anyone got any news on new chapters by chance? Did a little looking around and found nothing about a Ch 3. Dont tell me this shit got dropped....