Upgrade progress and 502s.

Upgrade progress and 502s.

  • Lolis are best

    Votes: 791 21.6%
  • Oppai lolis are best

    Votes: 671 18.3%
  • Lolis in bear uniforms working in a restaurant ran by a bear are best

    Votes: 571 15.6%
  • I'm evil and lolis aren't best

    Votes: 1,627 44.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sep 19, 2020
Cuteness Is Justice!
Therefor the enjoyment of looking at cute girls is justified by default.

The problem is that some narrow minded people wrongfully believe that finding something cute is the same as being a pervert.

But if that were true, then liking pictures of cute puppies would make you a dog molester.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019

I dont know what kind of mental stupidity is going on on your head to not understand something so simple as that lolis are the anime version of real life kids.

Basically, unreal 2D versions. Same goes for 3D models. Artificial objects =/= living things. Doesn't take a genius to know the difference.
And lol, anime kids look nothing like real life kids. Real fruits =/= plastic fruits.

They put a distance between themselves and real life kids because they dont want to go to jail.

That, and they don't actually find real life kids attractive in a sexual way.
I beat the crap out of Kid Gohan then vaporized him with a planet-buster energy blast. Doesn't mean I'll go bomb a school in real life.

you are simply not supposed to find an small girl attractive and if you do, then there is something wrong with you.

Just giving a compliment about an artificial character's attractiveness, especially when this is often done in a joke-like manner isn't enough to earn someone a pedo-tag. You're not supposed to kill people, doesn't mean you go to jail for killing a 3D model.

Dont be so pedantic (lol), you know very well what the people here mean by that.

I don't know about hentai sites, but most comments I've seen regarding loli and shouta on here, considering the contexts since I'm not a mind reader, were usually not done in any sexual way. I've seen worst elsewhere, and what I've seen here has been very tame.

They still have the body and overall appearance of a kid, you are being obtuse.

They are still not living beings. *shrugs*

Whatever, man. Think what you think.

Bottom line: you won't go to jail for murder for killing a 3D kid model, you surely won't go to jail for pedophilia for lewd comments about a 2D drawing.
Just because someone likes a 2D loli doesn't mean they'll go after some random real life kids.

Whoever made this poll is enjoying popcorn while reading the comments. =w=
Aug 20, 2020
you are not a pedo for liking a character that is 14 but has the body of a woman
I'm sorry, but you are (EDIT: if she were a real person). I can't believe you'd go out with someone with the mental age of a 14 yo (EDIT: assuming you are +20. If you are 15 it doesn't hold). I do find it disgusting, sorry.
Dont be so pedantic (lol), you know very well what the people here mean by that.
Youjo Senki is tagged with loli. I doubt that most readers are into the MC like you are describing.
They still have the body and overall appearance of a kid, you are being obtuse.
Because you are supposed to feel attracted not to the age but the kind of body a girl has.
To me the body and appearance works only as a first impression, as I'm mostly attracted by the personality, mental ability, etc...
I never understood those who are attracted by the body more than anything else. It seems really crime-prone to not care about mental age or mental condition, but only about the body shape.
And your comment about mature-looking 14yo do seem to suggest that, as it's a crime in most countries, and for a reason.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
I made a miss-click and selected the wrong option in the Poll.
What do i do?


Mar 20, 2019
Basically, unreal 2D versions. Same goes for 3D models. Artificial objects =/= living things. Doesn't take a genius to know the difference. And lol, anime kids look nothing like real life kids. Real fruits =/= plastic fruits.
How can somebody be this obtuse, if you are making an anime that is trying to tell a real life story with characters who have a real life self and one of those real life people is an small girl, then you are going to insert her in the anime as a loli, yes, it is not going to look the same but the intention is there, again, i dont know how can this be difficult to understand, if I am inserting a piano into an anime, i know people are going to know that this is a piano, even if it doesn't look realistic.
That, and they don't actually find real life kids attractive in a sexual way.
No way for you to know that unless you are one of them, what we know is that if you are a pedo, that's the kind of stuff you are going to be searching in the anime world.
Just giving a compliment about an artificial character's attractiveness, especially when this is often done in a joke-like manner isn't enough to earn someone a pedo-tag. You're not supposed to kill people, doesn't mean you go to jail for killing a 3D model.
You are trying to make an scenario that is not applicable here, when i talk about people liking loli, I refer to those who find them sexually enticing, i don't care about if they just find them cute.
I don't know about hentai sites, but most comments I've seen regarding loli and shouta on here, considering the contexts since I'm not a mind reader, were usually not done in any sexual way. I've seen worst elsewhere, and what I've seen here has been very tame.
No one is going to plain say that they like loli and make detailed answer of why, since the way for you to say a detailed reply is describing how you find an underdeveloped body of a kid attractive.
They are still not living beings. *shrugs*
They are still depicting a real life kid.
you surely won't go to jail for pedophilia for lewd comments about a 2D drawing.
Just because someone likes a 2D loli doesn't mean they'll go after some random real life kids.
No (depends of the country) but again finding a depiction of a kid that contains real life elements and characteristics of them sexually attractive while no being able to give a reason of why other than "finding the body type of a kid sexually attractive" is quite concerning.


Mar 20, 2019
your wall of text
If it takes you to read the stuff I wrote more than a few seconds then you have very bad genetics.
of more cringeworthy tho xD
I'm sorry, but you are (EDIT: if she were a real person). I can't believe you'd go out with someone with the mental age of a 14 yo (EDIT: assuming you are +20. If you are 15 it doesn't hold). I do find it disgusting, sorry.
Finding them attractive is not the same as wanting to go out with them and, well, if you look to your family sooner more than latter you are going to find somebody who would be considered now a pedo, in the past it wasn't uncommon to marry girls 15-16 because in that time they were more mentally mature than they currently are.
Youjo Senki is tagged with loli. I doubt that most readers are into the MC like you are describing.
No way to know that but as i said previously what we know is that lolis is the kind of stuff a pedo for search for.
To me the body and appearance works only as a first impression, as I'm mostly attracted by the personality, mental ability, etc...
I never understood those who are attracted by the body more than anything else. It seems really crime-prone to not care about mental age or mental condition, but only about the body shape.
And your comment about mature-looking 14yo do seem to suggest that, as it's a crime in most countries, and for a reason.
I too obviously find the personalty more important but still even if a girl has a personality that I would like i would still not date her if she has an underdeveloped body, even if she has an adult personality. I am talking about the body of a 10 years old, not a woman who is simply flat, that's something else.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@ghj I'm not being obtuse. You are.

if you are making an anime that is trying to tell a real life story with characters who have a real life self and one of those real life people is an small girl, then you are going to insert her in the anime as a loli
They are still depicting a real life kid.

I'm sorry. I didn't know fictional characters must be based on real people. Just because a real-human-like character dies in a fiction doesn't mean anyone is dying in real life.
This is the point where I just say if you can't draw the line between objects and living things, or real and fake, that's on you. Whatever the hell other people fap to is their problem, I don't really care either.

No way for you to know that unless you are one of them, what we know is that if you are a pedo, that's the kind of stuff you are going to be searching in the anime world.
I refer to those who find them sexually enticing,

That's what you think. Not what "we know".

"We know if you like shooting Russians, you'd be playing Cod and BF all day." Sounds stupid, no?

If actual pedos and killers can satisfy their urges with 2D and 3D, well, can't say that's a bad thing. I still won't jump into conclusion that all those who like loli and violence games are pedos and murderers, respectively.
Nov 25, 2018
lolis are good, but cuteness isn't all that matters. try having a normal conversation with a 12-year-old and you will know what i mean. also they won't be lolis forever.
Jul 9, 2019
All this arguing, is good. Really expands everyone's understanding.

My two cents. Thinking bad things doesn't make you bad. So why does liking a 2D fictitious character make you a pedo? To have commited a crime someone would have to prove that you did in fact commit a crime.

Nowadays people are too focused on policing thoughts and on prosecuting people simply based on what they prefer or their opinion.

Yes, @ghj I'm talking to you. Don't conflate being a degenerate to being a pedophile. One is an acquired questionable taste that is a bit weird but otherwise legal while the other is a an actual criminal who has commited a crime.
Dec 3, 2020
Everyone knows they are meant to be children and made to look exactly like them and copy their traits. Just because a series has a kid in it doesnt mean you into them, but the way these retards talk with lewd the loli and all the other horseshit makes it obvious.

If you are attracted to them and seek that content out especially, because of the kids in revealing/dirty poses or hope for it whenever any kid shows up and bring em up everywhere for no reason then ye you likely a Pedo no doubt.

I mean this thread had absolutely nothing to do with the shit quiz, but the author seems obsessed with that. So ye speaks volumes for most people. Theres a reason theres callcenters and groups for people who have these tendencys to help them even before they commit a crime.
Aug 20, 2020
If you are attracted to them and seek that content out especially, because of the kids in revealing/dirty poses or hope for it whenever any kid shows up and bring em up everywhere for no reason then ye you likely a Pedo no doubt.
Sure. There's plenty of manga tagged with both loli and ecchi, and it's plenty disgusting (or at least many of the covers are). But if reading manga is all they do, we should convert Hollywood to manga, so that they stop acting.

I mean this thread had absolutely nothing to do with the shit quiz, but the author seems obsessed with that. So ye speaks volumes for most people. Theres a reason theres callcenters and groups for people who have these tendencys to help them even before they commit a crime.
I don't know who you are talking about with 'author', but for example I just like a fair arguing in any topic. Particularly when I think people make heavy and baseless accusations by generalizing a sub-group.

but the way these retards talk with lewd the loli and all the other horseshit makes it obvious.
Yeah, some do, but many exaggerate for the meme, like the "Flat is justice" flame wars of a while ago. But like @ghj does, you can't just take the worse and claim that they are all like that, when you have just handpicked them. For example the "Protecc" meme toward loli is rather pure and seems more like parental protection than a psycho pedo with a distorted view of what protection is.
Jul 9, 2019
@ChronaDarklight I was debating myself whether or not to engage with you, seeing as you immediately went to insults calling people
in the first paragraph without even engaging in meanigful argumentation. But for the record let me put this to rest.

It fascinates me how polarising something like fiction can be. That there are people who somehow mistake that a depiction/illustration of reality is somehow exactly the same as reality.

If you like A in fiction then it's the same as you liking A in reality, disgusting.

I like medieval fantasy. Would I like living in medieval times for real? Fuck no. I like betrayal plots that end in heart wrenching sadness. Would I like to be betrayed and then go on a revenge spree simply to die a sad death? No, I'd rather commit suicide.

Combined with that are you now saying that simply because someone is in the likeness to or resembles a child that immediately if you are attracted to or have any type of sexual thoughts that you are now a pedophile? Now to be clear, I'm not talking about children.

Everyone knows they are meant to be children and made to look exactly like them and copy their traits. ... If you are attracted to them and seek that content out especially, because of the kids in revealing/dirty poses or hope for it whenever any kid shows up and bring em up everywhere for no reason then ye you likely a Pedo no doubt.

Lets take a real life example such as Little People (Or those who are born with Dwarfism). Are you now saying that anyone who is attracted or falls in love with a little person is somehow a pedophile? So you're then saying that firtsly the person who fell in love with a little person is a pedophile, secondly you're also implying that a little person should not be attractive because they resemble children. To be clear, I'm only applying your rationale from the first paragraph from the most recent reply.

I'm guessing you did read my reply where I ask not to conflate degeneracy with pedophilia.

This argument is so full of holes. So if I watch every violent and gore filled movie and I hope that I get to see some awesome martial arts where a guy is beaten to a pulp then I'm a bloodthirsty lunatic looking to beat up every person who so even dares look at me funny. Once more refer to fiction vs. reality, you're simply being too sensitive by the topic hence all of a sudden looking at pictures defaults you to commiting a crime, which is silly.

Lastly, Callcenters are actual jokes, most are understaffed and underfunded just look at companies with profit motive who can't even cater in customer support because the callcenters are always underproductive. I won't discuss groups because any rational person can see why that wouldn't work. The author you're calling out has said very little. The quiz was probably only out of humour but people like you who can't differentiate between what's real and what isn't came along and spoiled the fun.

(Pardon me if Little People or Dwarfism is not politically correct. I'm not up to date with current PC terminology)
Dec 3, 2020
1. Not sure what that has to do with anything i wrote. A pedophile is someone whos attracted to children. They arent criminals yet, but they have obvious tendencys. Thats why groups exist to help them.

2. The author of this thread obviously.

3. Its the way people talk and constantly bring them up that makes people suspicious. Anime and Manga sadly attracts these kinds and sometimes caters to them, especially with animation. Its starting in the west too with fandoms of Owl House and other shows.

Its a sad and annoying thing, because i like animation/manga as a medium, especially ghibli movies, but really hate the communitys alot. It attacts often just the worst kinds of people and they really kill it by sexualizing the kids alot. Thats why so many communitys get closed down or completely purged like reddit did 4 years ago and other social media platforms.

Also Adults obsessed with drawn/animated children is just weird to most people and theres obviously more to it. Same for adults who are obsessed with MLP. You can try to act like its not, but for nearly everyone it is.

Edit: @Nutz

Boy i aint got the time to read a wall, because you feel attacked and try to nitpick.


Mar 20, 2019
I'm sorry. I didn't know fictional characters must be based on real people. Just because a real-human-like character dies in a fiction doesn't mean anyone is dying in real life.
This is the point where I just say if you can't draw the line between objects and living things, or real and fake, that's on you. Whatever the hell other people fap to is their problem, I don't really care either.
I cannot understand how can you be this obtuse and idiotic, how can you have misinterpreted what i said to a point to where you think i allude to something that you can reply with "real-human-like character dies in a fiction doesn't mean anyone is dying in real life." lol.
Again, i make an anime with boats, people know those are boats, if a make an anime with girls, people know those are girls, even if they don't look exactly like real ones, they still have those characteristics.
That's what you think. Not what "we know".
"We know if you like shooting Russians, you'd be playing Cod and BF all day." Sounds stupid, no?
Well, no, it doesn't sound stupid, if I like to kill degenerates, i am going to be more excited and inclined to play a game that allows me to kill them, If i like to fight i am going to be more inclined to play/search games that allows me to fight, if I like girls then i am going to search for anime with characters with similar characteristics, lolis in this case.
If actual pedos and killers can satisfy their urges with 2D and 3D, well, can't say that's a bad thing. I still won't jump into conclusion that all those who like loli and violence games are pedos and murderers, respectively.
Feeling sexually attracted towards kids is quite a bad thing no matters how you look at it, the more they consume that kind of stuff the more they are going to be inclined to do it in real life.

Thinking bad things doesn't make you bad. So why does liking a 2D fictitious character make you a pedo? To have commited a crime someone would have to prove that you did in fact commit a crime.
Pedos feel attracted towards girls with certain characteristics and lolis are literally the anime version of those girls.
Nowadays people are too focused on policing thoughts and on prosecuting people simply based on what they prefer or their opinion.
That has always been like that, just that people currently usually do it for the wrong reasons.
Yes, @ghj I'm talking to you.

Don't conflate being a degenerate to being a pedophile. One is an acquired questionable taste that is a bit weird but otherwise legal while the other is a an actual criminal who has commited a crime.
All pedos are degenerates but not all degenerates are pedos, yes. They are still both garbage.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
if a make an anime with girls, people know those are girls, even if they don't look exactly like real ones, they still have those characteristics.

And I already said what needed to be said. One is real, one is fake. Plastic coins /= gold coins.

Well, no, it doesn't sound stupid, if i like to kill k***s, i am going to be more excited and inclined to play a game that allows me to kill them, If i like to fight i am going to be more inclined to play/search games that allows me to fight, if I like girls then i am going to search for anime with characters with similar characteristics, lolis in this case.


I suspected this before, but now I know for sure. You are projecting yourself on to other people. That's just you, dude. Don't assume everyone else is like you.

Get help instead of pretending to have a superior moral value and try to lecture other people on the internet. =w=
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019

I'm just getting a place in this thread before it's locked lol

Fed-Kun's army
Aug 11, 2018
Lmao, the irony of some people here, this thread is fun.

Edit: my 2 cents, stuff is not as black and white as some seem to think.
i like reading gore-heavy manga, but i assure you i would feel utterly disgusted and terryfied if i happen to see it irl, meanwhile other person might feel excited in the same situation.
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